Health Technologies

More NHS Trusts Opt for Synergy’s Multi-Site Surveillance – Digital Health Technology News

Synectics has increased its rapidly growing healthcare portfolio, with two more NHS trusts opting to enhance its surveillance and security management with Synergy software.

The undisclosed NHS Trusts will use Synergy as the foundation for multi-phase, multi-site upgrades of their systems.

The first project will help one of the UK’s busiest Trusts unify and improve surveillance across two major hospitals and one community facility.

The Trust’s three sites, covering over 130 acres, encompass diverse facilities, from one of the country’s largest trauma units and busiest A&E departments to dedicated teaching facilities and specialist health units.

With Synergy in place, operators at any of the sites can view video footage from across the entire estate, and teams at either of the two hospitals can also control any of the surveillance cameras.

In addition to supporting multi-site security management, upgrading to Synergy will deliver sophisticated capabilities for improving the security of staff, patients, and visitors.

Advanced incident management tools, on-screen guidance, and a mapping system that can switch from OpenStreetMap to detailed internal floor layouts ensure operators will have what they need at their fingertips to rapidly pinpoint incidents, better manage security responses, and ensure all pertinent footage is prioritised on screen and recorded for evidence.

While smaller in size, the second NHS Trust’s use of Synergy is equally ambitious. Following initial upgrade work at the Trust’s primary facility, phased works will bring two further sites – a postgrad centre and a new-build location – into the same system.

In both NHS Trust deployments, Synergy will facilitate further migration to IP cameras, support the use of legacy technology, and guarantee the seamless integration of additional capabilities as required – including video analytics and an increased number of system inputs.

Brett Longley from Synectics commented: “Our multi-site surveillance provides better awareness across entire estates, which is increasingly popular in our industry. Flexible solutions, like Synergy, are essential for phased improvement plans. This flexibility is a major reason we’re quickly growing in healthcare settings.”



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