Health Technologies

Hampshire Hospitals to tackle air pollution with award-winning tech at hospitals in Basingstoke and Winchester – Digital Health Technology News

Air pollution is the greatest environmental threat to public health in the UK. To help tackle this, Hampshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust are introducing an innovative technology platform to monitor and reduce air pollution at its hospitals.

The award-winning emissions monitoring platform, run by EMSOL, will give Hampshire Hospitals next-generation real-time visibility into pollution sources across its Basingstoke and Winchester hospitals.

These insights, captured through features such as sensors and cameras, will allow tracking of data on key pollutants and will enable the Trust to initiate interventions and mitigations for the future.

Potential sources of pollution spikes can also be identified, allowing the Trust to explore opportunities to reduce emissions and adopt cleaner, more sustainable practices with valued suppliers and partners.

The Trust’s two-year partnership with EMSOL is hoped to result in, over time, better population health for local people through its reduction of air pollutants.

This partnership is just one way Hampshire Hospitals are achieving their Green Plan, which sets out its actions to become a more sustainable organisation and one which is fully compliant with the NHS net zero 2040 Plan.

Shirlene Oh, Chief Strategy and Population Health Officer at Hampshire Hospitals, says: “Protecting our population and staff from emissions-related health threats is a key priority for us, and through implementing this new platform, we really hope to be able to understand our impact and act in a way that is beneficial for our whole region.

“We aim to embed sustainability in all aspects of our organisation whilst ensuring effective monitoring and use of resources. Tackling our pollution levels now will contribute greatly to how we can provide an efficient, effective and good value health service for the future.”

Freddie Talberg, CEO of EMSOL, says: “The NHS continues to demonstrate remarkable leadership in the fight against air pollution. We are proud to support Hampshire Hospitals’ passionate team in accelerating sustainability through our advanced approach to tackling pollution.”

To find out more about climate action at Hampshire Hospitals, visit the link here:



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