Health Technologies

Webinar to Share How an AI-Powered Contact Center Enhances Patient Experiences

Modern Contact Centers Provide a Seamless Patient Experience

Healthcare organizations that are looking to upgrade their contact center or phone systems, foster a more engaging patient experience or save money — as well as those that are migrating to a new electronic health record such as Epic, Athena or Cerner and are looking to get the most value out of the switch — could benefit from this webinar.

Amazon Connect is a cloud contact center that uses artificial intelligence and machine learning to enhance the patient experience. It can help with skills-based routing, analytics and task management in addition to proactive notifications about appointments.

Combining Amazon Connect with SpinSci enables healthcare organizations to integrate the platform into the back end of their EHR, creating a more personalized patient experience.

SpinSci translates requests from the patient to the EHR. When a patient calls or initiates a chat, the platform can quickly find their patient record and see that they have an appointment coming up in a few days. It can ask up front if they need to reschedule or if they have a question about the appointment.

“We’ve taken Amazon Lex, and we’ve integrated it into a lot of the crucial EHRs out there. It’s able to handle tasks like scheduling an appointment, paying a bill or refilling a prescription,” says Ashvin Asava, chief revenue officer at SpinSci. “It can understand your symptoms and navigate you to the right resource within that health system.”

He explains that at one hospital, contact center agents needed an average of 1 minute and 17 seconds to look up a patient.

“This platform is very valuable because if we can save these agents — who are taking thousands of calls a day — 1 minute and 17 seconds, then that creates a huge ROI,” he adds.

EXPLORE: Get the answers to these five questions about chatbots to improve the patient experience.

Cutting Costs With Contact Center Flexibility

One benefit of the platform is that it automates tasks, improving agent productivity and allowing the healthcare organization to reduce the number of full-time employees required to operate the contact center. Those funds can then by reallocated from the contact center to an area of need on the clinical side of the business.

Scott Merritt, a patient experience architect at CDW, explains that another way Amazon Connect helps contain costs is by not charging licensing fees. Instead, customers pay for consumption. As a result, some organizations are using the platform as a backup solution. If they have issues with their on-premises platform, then they can turn to Amazon Connect and pay only for what they use.

The platform also allows for plug-and-play applications. If an organization isn’t ready to fully replace their on-premises system, then Amazon Connect can bring AI to them, says Merritt.

The webinar will take place Dec. 10, 2024, at 12 p.m. EST. Sign up here to secure your spot.



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