Health Technologies

Revolutionising Care: North Kent College Unveils High-Tech Assisted Living Suites to NHS Trust – Digital Health Technology News

Key figures from a local NHS Trust got a first-hand look at the brand new, high tech assisted living suites installed at North Kent College to see the fantastic facilities they provide for the next generation of healthcare professionals.

Representatives from the Dartford & Gravesham NHS Trust visited the College to see the suites that are equipped with a range of smart technology that aims to transform the lives of those suffering from conditions like dementia.

The technology will allow carers and family members to monitor their loved ones more closely, supporting individuals towards greater independence and enabling them to remain in their own homes for as long as possible.

Denise Aspland, Head of Clinical Education, Diane Gambrell, Deputy Chief Nurse, and Sally Hall, Head of Therapy Services & Lead Allied Health Professional from Dartford & Gravesham NHS Trust all got to see first-hand the cutting-edge technology that is designed to empower learners to develop critical skills in healthcare.

Each space also comes with a PARO Seal, a lifelike seal with multiple interactive sensors that is used in dementia care to combat cognitive decline and lift moods.

The spaces will be used to train both Health & Social Care students at the College and NHS employees on the use of this new digital technology, so they can take their experience into the workplace.

North Kent College has also announced some learners will gain even more invaluable experience through work placements at Darent Valley Hospital, supported by the team at Dartford & Gravesham Trust.

Mark Andrews, Deputy Executive Principal Strategy & Curriculum of North Kent College, is very excited about the opportunities the suites will provide, saying: “I’m delighted that our students have access to this cutting-edge technology and to short courses which credit their knowledge and skills in assistive devices and systems. This allows them to become not only the first choice for employers in the care sector, but the kind of workforce of the future that can utilise these technologies to make a significant difference to the quality of life of individuals under their care.”

Stacie Collings, Assistant Principal (Curriculum) for North Kent College, added: “These state-of-the-art assisted living suites not only provide our students with hands-on, real-life experience but also empower our Level 2 and Level 3 learners with the opportunity to complete additional qualifications in assisted living technology.”

“This not only equips them with highly sought-after skills but also enhances their understanding of innovative care practices, making them more employable and better prepared to deliver exceptional, compassionate care in diverse healthcare settings. By combining practical experience with cutting-edge training, we are shaping the next generation of healthcare professionals to meet the evolving needs of the sector.”

Denise Aspland, Head of Clinical Education at the Dartford and Gravesham NHS Trust, added: “As senior clinical staff from Dartford and Gravesham NHS Trust we were delighted to have been invited by North Kent College to explore and gain an understanding of the incredible technical enhanced learning space that is the assisted living suite. We appreciated the opportunity to provide feedback and comments and particularly enjoyed the PARO seal experience.

“As the local Acute NHS hospital to NKC we are already working collaboratively with the staff and we are looking forward to linking more closely with, not just this technology, but with the students on Health and Social care programs of study.

“The suite will give students a real opportunity to explore ways in which technology can enhance patient’s quality of life and assist with allowing patients to remain in their own homes as long as is safely possible. This is an exceptional asset to the college and its role in creating greater learning experience for students. “

The assisted living suites have been installed across three different college groups in Kent: North Kent College, East Kent Colleges Group and MidKent College.

The project came about after the Government’s Local Skills Improvement Plan (LSIP) identified a need to upskill the Health and Social Care workforce in digital skills and to use technology to develop and deliver more effective services.

It has been made possible by a grant from the Local Skills Improvement Fund (LSIF), with the rooms being created by Automated Spaces, who design and implement a range of independent living technologies.

The assisted technology suites can be found at North Kent College’s Tonbridge and Dartford campuses and have initially been created to highlight the positive outcomes that can be provided across three specific scenarios:

  1. Person living at home with Dementia
  2. Residential Care Setting
  3. Sheltered Housing

North Kent College offers a range of Health and Social Care courses with a strong emphasis on practical experience gained through work placements.

To find out more visit the Health and Social Care subject page on the North Kent College website.



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