Health Technologies

NHS Digital updates security resources for clinical settings and social care – htn

NHS Digital has updated its existing Keep I.T. Confidential online cyber security awareness toolkit with the aim of supporting social care organisations and clinical settings to improve security culture within their workplace.

Two sets of campaign materials have been published, one aimed at staff working in clinical settings and one aimed at people working within the adult social care sector. The free materials have been made available on the NHS Digital website.

The materials have been launched by NHS Digital’s Data Security Centre and are designed to help NHS professionals to run their own cyber security awareness campaign in their own preferred time and manner.

Phase two of the campaign materials focuses on raising awareness around the threat of ransomware, with NHS Digital emphasising the importance of wearing staff ID badges on-site, choosing strong and varied passwords, and remaining aware of potential phishing scams.

Assets that are included in the toolkit include screensavers; digital banners; sticky notes; social media graphics for Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn; and animation (available to watch below).

NHS Digital’s Executive Director of Cyber Operations Mike Fell said: “Good security practices are our shared responsibility and being cyber aware can significantly reduce the chance of cyber events affecting people’s care. We know how busy staff are, but we encourage everyone to prioritise reducing security risks as much as they can to protect the NHS and social care against vulnerabilities.

“Taking small, simple steps and considering security in your day-to-day work can make a huge difference and we hope that these resources can really play a part in helping to drive that change.”

The resources from NHS Digital, along with more information, can be accessed here.



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