Health Technologies

Inspired Neighbourhoods Group implements Portasana across Bradford

Inspired Neighbourhoods Group, a social business and community service provider, has opted to implement Wellola’s patient communication platform, Portasana, across the Bradford district.

The new platform will enhance the accessibility of the organisation’s counselling service, ‘Inspired and Active Minds (I-AM)’, and empower people to take greater ownership of their health and care, with the ability to manage appointments, complete online forms and receive essential educational resources.

Spring 2023, service users, GPs and other key professionals across the region will also benefit from having digital oversight of care plans, as well as the provision and utilisation of I-AM services through the platform.

Additionally, digital referrals to I-AM will be available for the first time, with service users able to select paid-for and public services, self-report changes in symptoms, and access further support.

Meanwhile, Portasana will enable Inspired Neighbourhoods to extend I-AM services nationally by the end of the year.

Lucy Mairs, Chair, Inspired Neighbourhoods Group, said:

“Our collaboration with Wellola marks the start of our digital journey; this is an exciting step forward in streamlining our well-being services, enabling us to reach and support more people.

“Our use of the platform is not just about embracing technology, it’s about empowering existing and future patients and improving their well-being”.

The implementation of Wellola’s communication platform will deliver on the long-standing change in service expectation and also the principle of ‘choice and control’ which is prominent in national strategies for health, mental and social care services.

Sonia Neary, CEO, and co-founder of Wellola said:

“We’re delighted to support I-AMs mission to provide professional, affordable, personalised and accessible therapy services for anyone struggling with issues in their lives at a time and place or online to suit their needs.

“We are working toward a more joined up experience for citizens, who typically find themselves engaging with multiple aspects of the care system in a very disjointed manner”.

The partnership with Inspired Neighbourhoods Group signals further expansion for Wellola across public and private care settings, in support of the needs of both primary and secondary care providers.

Other customers include Birmingham Community Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust (BCHC) and Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, where Portasana is helping the trusts meet national targets for reducing waiting list backlogs.



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