Health Technologies

The digital transformation platform driving patient experience

Meet Cyferd 

Founded in 2019 by CEO, Ranjit Bahia, the vision at Cyferd is to provide organisations with powerful data driven digital solutions.

The Cyferd team has worked tirelessly over the last two years to build a rapid application development platform that delivers real impact and allows organisations to build the solutions they need quickly and efficiently.

From origin to production, Cyferd has grown to a core team of data experts and application specialists and has disrupted with innovations in data, A.I. and search to reach its current point.

Cyferd’s mission is to empower healthcare professionals by providing a digital toolkit to the organisations they work with.

These tools can be configured easily to streamline operations within healthcare and other industries.

The Cyferd platform helps organisations take charge of their operational costs, eliminating unnecessary spending needed to digitally transform.

By putting data at the heart of the platform, solutions and workflows can be built around the centralised data, increasing data reuse, consistency and efficiency.

Cyferd becomes a paradigm shift away from siloed legacy applications and pushes the boundaries of possibility in an operational environment through the use of artificial intelligence and powerful search.

The Cyferd Platform  

The Cyferd Platform is designed to make it simple to build solutions for managing a wide range of business requirements, from capacity and demand planning to radiology and other types of analyses.

Its intuitive interface and powerful features allow users to quickly and easily create applications that are tailored to their individual needs.

The platform drives interoperability and is a powerful digital transformation tool for any NHS trust.

The drag-and-drop aspect of the platform ensures that advanced applications can be developed with a significantly reduced need for specialist resources.

One key benefit of the platform is the ability to quickly create and deploy new digital solutions, such as new patient management applications to support patient flow within health & social care, and drive patient safety.

Another advantage is improving collaboration and communication across teams, leading to more effective and efficient care that empowers staff and drives patient satisfaction.

Additionally, the Cyferd platform support trusts by allowing them to better track and analyse data.

This can help to identify areas for improvement, and can help staff to make more informed, data-driven decisions.

The platform stores all patient data at a central point, driving interoperability.

Encouraging interoperability can improve communication and collaboration between different departments within an NHS Trust and other healthcare providers.

Moreover, it can improve communication and collaboration with other healthcare providers and patients.

One of the main benefits of this technology is the ability to share patient data across different solutions built on the platform without duplication, leading to more efficient and effective care, and ultimately improving patient outcomes.

This approach eradicates one of the pain points flagged by NHS staff – that of having to enter the same data into multiple systems that don’t integrate.

Cyferd’s focus on healthcare 

Cyferd saw clear potential to help the NHS by providing one platform that could potentially replace the need for the significant number of existing systems, over 400, typically required by each NHS Trust.

                                Matt Heys

The NHS is currently experiencing a crisis with waiting times, understaffing, ambulance service issues and bed capacity that has displayed significant digital weaknesses in the service; therefore being able to do more with less through better use of technology and data is key to providing an improved public service.

Cyferd’s Senior Leadership Team has vast experience across several areas, including Healthcare.

Matt Heys, Cyferd’s SVP of AI & Neural Genesis, worked in Business Intelligence for over a decade within the NHS.

This experience proved critical in helping Cyferd detect the key areas that needed attention in the service and the technology needed to make processes more efficient.

Through their expertise and knowledge, Heys and Bahia were able to develop innovative solutions to help improve the NHS and healthcare systems worldwide.

How does Cyferd do it?  

The Cyferd Platform puts all your operational data into a unified data model, with solutions built on the platform described as ‘business lenses” that access specific parts of the model to satiate the intended need of the lens.

This means data can easily be shared across multiple business lenses.

Advanced workflows and business logic can be applied, and the addition of A.I. and ML in the form of Neural Genesis, can help with the creation of new business lenses.

Neural Genesis builds integrated data solutions to help businesses streamline their operations that launch in minutes, and optimise processing through data mining.

These techniques are designed to deliver advanced business tools that support healthcare services in transforming their operations.

These innovations ensure that the NHS can react quickly to changing needs and improve patient journey and experiences.

The platform also enables rapid diagnostics and reduces inefficiencies across the NHS.

By collecting patient data, from their medical history to their current symptoms, into one central location, healthcare professionals can access vital information with greater ease and accuracy.

As an example, within A&E departments, as patients move through the service, they must repeatedly list symptoms to medical staff, leading to constant repetition of questions and delays in diagnosis.

Using centralised data, healthcare professionals can access a patient’s medical history and current symptoms using search to answer questions and find critical data.

The unified model serves the purpose of providing clinicians with greater context to the patient history without having to login to additional systems, reducing the chances of something getting missed.

Cyferd has also supported capacity and demand planning, producing solutions to manage different areas of capacity and demand.

These areas include bed management, patient flow, and ambulatory services management.

Find out more about Cyferd here



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