Health Technologies

The future of Spine, providing critical infrastructure for the NHS – htn

A blog post has been shared by NHS England discussing the future of the Spine platform and how the infrastructure is to grow inline with the advancing digitisation of health and care.

In the new NHS blog by Shan Rahulan (director of Spine Core) and Mark Burton (lead delivery manager of Spine Core and Spine Futures), it focuses on how the platform should evolve in the future to meet changing and growing demands.

“Over the next two to three years, we’re building a new, scalable Spine platform to replace the current one. We will be moving Spine products to the cloud, strengthening our resilience against potential future cyber-attacks, while changing to a product-centric operating model and ensuring all NHS architecture principles are complied with,” the authors note.

The Spine Futures vision is laid out: to provide “a secure, adaptable, and sustainable infrastructure for the health and care system in England, enabling data integration between care settings. This will create a platform for national digital services to be built upon to meet current and future needs of staff, patients and the public.”

In line with their vision for the future, the team behind Spine plan to review whether the platform is meeting user needs. They highlight the importance of identifying any gaps in current service provision, and aim to explore whether communications around the products in Spine’s portfolio are clear to consumers.

As such, IT professionals across health and social care are invited to attend bi-monthly webinars where they can share their views on the platform’s future. To find out more, please click here.

As part of this, the programme aims to understand what professionals need from the ‘Spine of the future’ and how technology can meet the current and future needs of patients, staff and citizens.



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