Health Technologies

How RFID and Mobile Tech Transform Point of Care

Healthcare providers are grappling with significant workforce and labor challenges while simultaneously facing changing point-of-care needs, as patients increasingly expect treatment to be delivered quickly and efficiently.

The ability to exchange data in a timely manner and ensure all assets are functioning properly are essential components for ensuring timely, effective delivery of patient care.

Meanwhile, the sheer volume of medical devices continues to grow, while telehealth services and a push for care beyond healthcare facilities create additional demands within IT.

Connected technologies ranging from radio-frequency identification (RFID) tags to mobile devices including tablets are helping care providers address rising patient demands for the point of care, wherever that may be.

“The number of assets that IT organizations are managing is increasing rapidly with the push toward automation, whether that’s to ease the labor burden, increase the speed at which patient care can be delivered, or to be able to see more patients and provide access to more patients,” says Rikki Jennings, chief nursing informatics officer for Zebra Technologies.

DISCOVER: How Zebra can empower frontline workers with mobile devices.



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