Health Technologies

Zooming In: How Healthcare Organizations Can Enhance Their Telehealth Programs

How Whiteboards Support Clinical Workflows

Collaborative whiteboards help care teams with patient care planning while enabling HIPAA compliance. This tool can be used for facility planning and coordinating services, Eudailey says, and healthcare teams can post sticky notes and access saved whiteboards later. Zoom Whiteboards also offer custom templates for personalization.

“Whether you’re determining a care plan for a patient with a group of team members, providing medical education or doing facilities management, a Zoom Whiteboard is a great tool,” Eudailey says.

Avatars, Backgrounds and Emojis Contribute to Patient Experience

In care settings that involve children, especially children’s hospitals and childcare centers, health systems can use avatars, special backgrounds and emojis to make virtual care more fun, Eudailey says.

“Those are just kind of fun things to lighten the mood and keep things relaxed for everyone,” she adds.

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Healthcare Meetings Beyond Telehealth

The healthcare industry is using Zoom for remote sessions beyond telehealth and virtual care. For example, organizations can provide remote coaching for wellness services such as weight loss programs. Zoom also supports multidisciplinary meetings of care teams, tumor boards and families, according to Eudailey.

“You can get physicians, case managers and family all together in one place and provide that parity of communication so everyone feels equal and involved in what’s going on, regardless of location,” she says.

In addition, hospital systems can use Zoom for webinars offering continuing education programs to educate patients on how to improve their care outcomes, Eudailey says. For example, health systems may run quarterly sessions to educate patients on diabetes and how to manage their diet. Sessions could include breakout groups and peer-to-peer interaction.

“You can use breakout rooms and challenge patients to think differently about their health,” Eudailey says. “Those have been really popular among our current clients.”

With virtual sessions such as cooking classes and workouts, healthcare organizations can promote a healthy lifestyle, Eudailey notes.

“Telehealth is just the beginning of what you can achieve with Zoom, and it complements all of these other programs well,” she says.

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