Health Technologies

AI home health monitoring system is preventing hospital admissions

Lucie Glenday, founder of MySense, was the first Chief Digital and Data Officer in the UK for Local Government. 

She and her team have developed a health monitoring system that is harnessing ethical AI tech with unique algorithmic intelligence.

The system has a unique understanding of human behaviour and movement that is taking home monitoring to a new level and reducing hospital stays by nearly 50 per cent.

The intelligence monitors a person’s routine from sensors and algorithms.

It identifies subtle early change or decline in health and behaviour before deterioration occurs.

This reduces face-to-face health appointments and helps stretched health care professionals with care decisions.

The time, cost and resource saving for carers and families enables them to focus more on relational and emotional needs.

The result is the ability to prioritise the human touch when it is needed.

HTW: How is AI tech supporting the hospital bed crisis?

LG: A British home health monitoring system is harnessing AI technology with unique algorithmic intelligence.

The ethical tech has the capability to recognise where intervention may be needed early enough to prevent deterioration.

Lucie Glenday

The system is cutting hospital admissions by up to 50 per cent in two hospital trusts and work is underway to scale the system, which is called MySense, with high intensity and other patient groups.

How has home health monitoring upgraded in the last few years?

Over the past six years a significant and pioneering development has been the predictive capabilities of the platform.

We currently pick up around 17,000 data points per day per individual we support, these come from a wearable device, a bed sensor and passive sensors located in specific places across the home.

Multiple layers of algorithms and AI are orchestrated in a complex dance to ensure we can get the greatest level of understanding around the individuals’ activities and health.

We then apply environmental and contextual attributes.

This is critical in a home setting where lots of external factors come into play.

It’s a data science and data engineering masterpiece, but it needs to be constantly fed and refined to get us closer and closer to certainty with our personalised insights.

How is an ethical AI home monitoring system preventing hospital admissions in such high numbers?

The system provides two crucial elements to the current urgent need in healthcare.

Firstly, it allows professionals to get ahead of problems, reducing the need for emergency interventions.

Secondly, it offers contextualised health insights and reports to allow a patient to choose when to engage, and clinicians the opportunity to offer a personalised patient experience that responds to the individual’s needs rather than the system’s.

How does MySense support vulnerable people?

The system predicts health decline and deterioration.

The predictive process starts in the home, before serious escalation of illness or frailty manifests itself, building a unique picture to understand the characteristics of each person.

The innovation utilises advanced algorithms and artificial intelligence to track and interpret the data collected, enabling early detection of potential health risks which can be used for personalised care and disease management.

MySense is used across the NHS, public and private sectors, delivering significant savings to the NHS and social care providers and helping to cut hospital admissions by nearly 50 per cent.

It’s the only Al system deployed at home that delivers significant health benefits to its users.

Our aim is to help prevent a problem, a fall or an admission to hospital before it happens, which is better for the user, their families and the health service.

What’s next?

We have a huge opportunity to make a real difference.

To date we have operated only in the UK, and we’re now exploring other markets.

The product is scalable ‘out of the box’, the app, dashboard and help centre are multilingual and multi-timezone.

For the final word – what is the one most compelling fact about MySense that you’d like to convey to Health Tech World readers?

This is both cutting edge and best in class AI technology harnessed for the benefit of patients.

To our knowledge it is the only system shown to have consistently delivered the kind of timely intelligent insights needed to allow early intervention to make hospital avoidance a reality. It’s changing conversations and changing lives.



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