Health Technologies

Buy your Microsoft licence agreements via an NHS-owned framework provider

You can use the NHS North of England Commercial Procurement Collaborative (NOE CPC) Total Technology Solutions framework for all your software licence agreement renewals and requirements, including Microsoft licences, as well as a wide range of ICT goods, services and solutions.

The agreement provides a route to market to enable you to source quotes on Microsoft licencing, network software, storage software, cloud software, cyber security software and virtualisation software, among others.

Under the NOE CPC financial model, a proportion of your spend will be re-invested back into the NHS, including frontline health services.

All our suppliers comply with NHS Terms and Conditions, and our framework has been endorsed by NHS England as a recommended route to market, offering compliant access, including via direct award, Quick Quote and further competition.

James Brooks, category manager for technology (ICT) at NOE CPC, said: “Public sector buyers can now use our Total Technology Solutions framework to access a range of software licences, including Microsoft licence renewals and complete end-to-end strategic ICT provider partnerships.

“And by using NOE CPC, you can ensure your spend complies with NHS regulations and terms on public procurement, and ensure that your spend stays within the public purse.”

To find a new software licencing agreement provider, or to renew your existing agreements, contact our Support Desk.

Visit the Total Technology Solutions framework page to view the full range of software, hardware and services our agreement provides, and to access the Quick Quote Tool and Vendor Discount Catalogue.



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