Health Technologies

Poll: What’s the biggest challenge with interoperability across health and care? – htn

For the latest poll in the HTN Health Tech Trends Series, sponsored by InterSystems, we took to LinkedIn to ask our audience: What’s the biggest challenge with interoperability across health and care?

124 participants from a range of backgrounds and settings, including NHS professionals, researchers and healthcare innovators, made their choice.

The majority of respondents (46 percent), thought that legacy systems were the biggest challenge with interoperability across health and care, with voters including associate director of digital service delivery, solutions architect, consultant, head of primary care IT, and deputy chief nurse.

The second most popular choice was “lack of national strategy”, which received 36 percent of votes, including from a system developer, regional CIO, GP, CNIO, and technical project manager.

16 percent of voters felt that organisations solving challenges alone was the biggest issue with interoperability, including a head of urgent care and transformation, principal technical specialist, PCN digital transformation lead, and clinical system specialist.

Finally, with 2 percent of the vote, was “measuring progress”. Voters for this poll option included a head of marketing, and a PCN manager.

The results seem to highlight that the ongoing challenges of legacy systems and the lack of national strategy or direction, are the factors perceived to be having the most impact on interoperability across health and care.

Are these the results you expected? Would you have chosen differently?

Follow HTN on LinkedIn and on Twitter to share your thoughts and keep up with the latest ways to engage with us. We also share opportunities to take part in future polls and industry view pieces via social media, so keep an eye out.



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