Health Technologies

Wellbeing offering tackles mental health challenges linked to hearing loss

Harley Street Medical Area Clinic CUBEX has launched a wellbeing offering to help address the mental health issues around hearing loss.

The clinic – based at 25 New Cavendish Street – has launched ‘The Wellbeing by CUBEX’; a range of wellness-focused health and lifestyle related offerings to support people who are suffering from cognitive decline or emotional imbalance.

The clinic explores the complex connection between cognition and the function of hearing and balance using various techniques including personalised hearing health technology, meditation, breathwork, mindfulness and yoga, to cognitive training, nutritional therapy and lifestyle adjustments.

The practice is also launching a range of nootropics – medical grade mushroom teas which will soon be available in the clinic soon.

Adam Shulberg, Senior Audiologist and Director of ‘The Wellbeing BY CUBEX’, said: “Hearing loss is a very real kind of loss.

“There is grief, there are relationships involved and all sorts of experienced nuances of communication that can be exhausting and overwhelming for the patient – as well as their communication partners.

“Our approach looks at the connection between hearing loss and cognitive function.

“People with hearing impairment sometimes retreat from social engagements and can feel quite isolated.

“This happens because the brain has to work far harder to encode sound, so all cognitive processes are under pressure. It can be mentally exhausting.”

Shulberg explains his work as an audiologist is to find the key that unlocks true health and wellbeing.

For this reason, CUBEX clinicians address every aspect of a patient’s wellbeing, from social inclusion and the possibility of isolation-related depression to unhealthy stress levels that could significantly impact cognitive function and emotional health.

The clinic aims to help people achieve a richer connection with themselves, the environment and the people in their social circle.

Before doing an audiological test and introducing patients to the idea of hearing technology, the clinic takes the time to involve their communication partners: their spouses, families and significant others.

Shulberg added: “Every human being is unique in every way, including cognitively, socially, physiologically, emotionally, and neurologically.

“Our role is to help unlock the ability to function to one’s fullest potential in our world of sound, and in all the ways that matter, gracefully and effortlessly.

“Besides a thorough audiological test, we also do a cognitive function assessment and our treatment plans are highly individualised.”

The Wellbeing BY CUBEX’ launch is taking place inside the clinic on Thursday September 21, and throughout the day they will be hosting meditations on the hour, every hour, from 9am onwards.

The clinic will also be showcasing new creations by conceptual visual artist and poet, Mark Lawson Bell.

Guests will have the opportunity to sample their range of new nootropic teas – which can have great benefits for dealing with anxiety, mood disorders, insomnia and more.

Book a meditation session here



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