Health Technologies

Attack Surface Management: Visibility in an Era of Evolving Risk

The digital transformation healthcare providers are undergoing requires them to keep sensitive data, like protected health information, secure across an expanding surface of touchpoints and cloud-connected networks.

The high rate of publicly exposed data environments, which are often misconfigured and vulnerable, give attackers an opportunity to establish a foothold into the organization’s network.

This can lead to data breaches, unauthorized access or even medical device failures. To guard against these risks, healthcare organizations must ensure they are implementing adequate attack surface management measures.

This process focuses on continuously identifying, monitoring and managing all external internet-connected assets for potential attack vectors and exposures.

A recent report from Palo Alto Networks found cloud-based IT infrastructure is in a constant state of flux among healthcare organizations as they often add or change cloud services.

DISCOVER: Learn about Palo Alto Networks’ integrated security solutions for healthcare.



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