Health Technologies

Surrey Heartlands ICS awards contract for virtual care digital platform solution – htn

An award notice has revealed that a £2.975 million contract for a virtual care digital platform solution across Surrey Heartlands ICS has been awarded to Doccla UK Limited, after a procurement process which saw a total of ten tenders submitted.

According to the award notice, the virtual care digital platform solution is required to support the delivery of a patient-centred model, as well as to deliver multidisciplinary and collaborative health services. It’s planned to be a clinical pathway agnostic solution, said to be capable of being implemented across an age and care continuum, and be “an agile system with flexibility to respond to evolving technology and operational requirements as these emerge”.

In the original procurement notice published in June of 2023, the procurement was described as needing to provide an interface between patients and clinicians with the ability to enhance remote monitoring, and as helping to cover an initial 200 virtual ward beds. The notice also stated that Surrey Heartlands would “reserve the right to commission further services from the successful provider”, including wearable remote monitoring devices and additional virtual ward beds.

The original notice gave a timeframe of 60 months for the duration of the contract, covering an initial 24 month contract, followed by options to extend up to a maximum of 36 months.

To read the award notice in full, please click here.

Also on solutions for virtual wards, an NHS contract to scale up virtual wards across West Yorkshire was awarded last month. The new contract will include the roll out to a range of clinical services, with an aim to make improvements in areas including early discharge, reducing avoidable hospital admissions, and improving overall patient experience.

Elsewhere, following a call-off from a framework agreement, Lewisham and Greenwich NHS Trust has awarded a contract worth an estimated £865,000 to ICNH Ltd for a patient portal.



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