Health Technologies

Cambridge University Hospital launches learning platform uPerform to support staff training – htn

Cambridge University Hospitals (CUH) NHS Foundation Trust has announced the roll-out of uPerform, an innovative learning platform for its electronic patient record system, Epic®.

The trust selected uPerform to support the onboarding and ongoing training experience for caregivers, ensuring its hospital staff – Epic users – have the resources needed to utilise the system to its fullest potential.

The move comes as a result of the trust seeking “innovative ways to scale its Epic education programme” to provide further support for new hires and continuous skills optimisation for existing staff, along with new training for Epic upgrades.

uPerform, an AI-powered training and support platform, looks to empower healthcare providers to increase digital maturity by providing personalised, in-context training materials for Epic at the point of need. The platform offers role-based, in-application learning and seeks to increase user proficiency and satisfaction whilst decreasing time spent in training.

With the roll-out, CUH joins a range of health systems using uPerform across the United States, the Netherlands and Finland.

Senior vice president for sales in Europe, the Middle East and Africa along with Asia Pacific and Japan, Harm Mescher, states: “It is a true privilege to have gained CUH’s trust in strengthening its Epic education programme, and we eagerly anticipate many productive years of collaboration ahead. This project marks our initial stride in introducing uPerform’s established successes and advantages to NHS trusts throughout the United Kingdom.”

uPerform will support CUH’s Epic Thrive programme, supporting doctors, nurses and healthcare support staff with ongoing refresher and efficiency training. The company added: “uPerform empowers healthcare providers to take their digital maturity to the next level by providing clinicians with fast and simple access to high quality EPR educational materials within the workflow, increasing user proficiency and satisfaction, while reducing burnout. Role-based, in-application learning at the point of care improves onboarding, reduces the time spent in the EPR system by reinforcing training, and decreases time spent in training so clinicians can spend more time on what matters most – their patients.”

To learn more about the uPerform platform and for more information, visit their website here.

We previously covered research into an AI tool from CUH oncologist Dr Raj Jena, which sought to reduce the amount of preparation time required for radiotherapy treatment; and we shared the trust’s work exploring the potential of mixed reality in improving and optimising how staff deliver clinical care.

Last year we also heard from Henrietta Mbeah-Bankas, head of blended learning at NHS England, for a discussion on innovation in education and training. Catch up with what Henriette had to say here.



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