Health Technologies

Local NHS staff survey results show significant improvement – Digital Health Technology News

The National NHS Staff Survey results for 2023 published today show significant improvements about staff experience of working in North Cumbria Integrated Care NHS Foundation Trust (NCIC).

The survey was completed by all NHS organisations in the Autumn of 2023 and was completed by 3,242 members of NCIC staff – a response rate of 45.1%. This is an increased response since last year and is in line with the national average.

Highlights from the full set of results are:

·         Colleagues recommending NCIC as a place to work has improved by more than 8% from 43.8% to 51.2% (against an average of 60.5%)

·         Care of patients being the organisations top priority has increased by over 4% from 61.2% to 65.7% (against an average of 74.8%)

·         If a friend or relative needed treatment I would be happy with standard of care provided by the organisation has increased by almost 4% from 45.8% to 49.5 (against an average of 63.3%)

·         Scores across every one of the 7 people promise themes have improved

·         Our scores have improved significantly in 46% of questions and are remained the same in the rest of the questions. None of our scores have significantly deteriorated since last year.

·         A separate survey was carried out with Bank staff with a response rate of 31.9%, showing a 13.7% increase in completion.

Lyn Simpson, Chief Executive said: “This is a real positive step forward and is telling us that some of the changes we are putting in place are having a positive impact. There is still a lot of work to do to catch up with the average scores of similar trusts, but there are clear signs of improvement, which is very encouraging.”

“Serious concerns remain about organisational culture specifically in relation to discrimination, bullying and harassment for our colleagues with one or more protected characteristic. Unfortunately this makes for sobering reading and shows that if you have a long term condition or are from an ethnic minority background you are twice as likely to experience harassment, bullying or abuse at work.”

“We have to take action on this and that’s why this year we have delivered behaviour safety training to around 1000 staff members with the aim of creating a behaviour safety movement across the Trust. We will be extending our HUMAN campaign that focusses on the importance of showing kindness and respect to create a more inclusive culture where everyone is treated with equity and fairness.”

Other actions include:

·         Improving our leadership training and development offer

·         Taking forward our Equality, Diversity and Inclusion action plan including strengthening our staff networks and reviewing our approach to reasonable adjustments

·         Reviewing the quality and quantity of our appraisals process

·         Developing our service improvement capacity and processes

Lyn added: “This year, we also have a comprehensive set of reports that can be broken down by area of the Trust which means we can take action at multiple levels and all areas will be asked to create their own people improvement plan so that we can improve the experience of people who dedicate their careers to the NHS.”



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