Health Technologies

Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent Digital Vision 2024 sets out initiatives including new shared care record – htn

Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent ICB’s ‘Digital Vision 2024’ sets out the organisation’s digital roadmap and digital initiatives, including the introduction of One Care Connected, a new shared care record aiming to link NHS and local government organisations.

Alongside this, the ICB shares priorities including the development of a set of digital standards “enabling efficient and equal access to health and care”; the need to establish “a robust, future proof and state-of-the-art information technology infrastructure”; and the need to build a Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent informatics network to help share best practice and make improvements to services.

Other focuses include levelling up access to EPR and reducing the number of EPR products in use across the system; ensuring “robust” cyber security approaches across ICS partners to protect the whole system; converging hardware and software to reduce variation; developing a digital budget to upskill staff around digital; improving the digital maturity of adult social care; improving data access and population health management; and expanding the use of tech to support treatment at home.

To help to provide a system approach for future digital investments and define the role(s) of organisations, the ICB has produced a digital road map, featuring a list of current suppliers and products, their description, and intended future plans. For the One Health and Care shared record, for example, future plans include data enhancement across ambulance, community, pharmacies, and more, as well as use of analytics to enable a more proactive care platform.

Dr Paddy Hannigan, senior responsible officer for the ICB’s digital programme, shares that the ICB has developed a digital programme board with representation from “all of the organisations in health and care across Staffordshire” to support their work in this area.

He adds: “We aim to radically change the way we use patient data across organisations and across pathways of care, allowing us to transform how we deliver care in the future. Central to this would be to give patients access to more of their health data and allow them to improve the type of care that they receive.”

To read Digital Vision 2024 in full, please click here.

In other news from the region, North Staffordshire Combined Healthcare NHS Trust is running a pilot project that sees virtual reality technology used to support staff wellbeing, in partnership with Phase Space VR.

Elsewhere in strategy, we recently looked at the estates and infrastructure strategy from South East London ICS, with digital noted to play a role in two key estate objectives – working towards net zero estate by 2040, and making smart use of estate through utilisation of technology.



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