Health Technologies

AI skin cancer pilot launched in Tameside and Glossop – htn

A new skin cancer pilot has been launched in Tameside and Glossop, featuring an AI platform to help triage and assess skin lesions for suspected cancer.

The trust is one of nine chosen by NHS England to take part in piloting the solution, which was launched last week in preparation for peak suspected skin cancer referrals during the summer months.

The DERM AI solution is said to be capable of classifying 11 different malignant, pre-malignant, and benign skin lesion types, and has so far helped to identify “more than 10,000 cancers” through its existing deployment across 15 NHS sites.

Patients are referred by a GP, before being booked in for an appointment at a Skin AI photographic hub, which produces test results “almost instantly”, potentially allowing patients with suspected lesions to be diagnosed and treated earlier, or to be discharged without needing a face-to-face appointment with a consultant.

The trust hopes that the tech will help to support increasing demand for suspected cancer referrals, and ensure that urgent cases are seen in a more timely manner.

Dr Loma Gardner, consultant dermatologist at Tameside Hospital, spoke of the pilot as a “positive step” toward promoting earlier cancer treatment, adding: “By implementing DERM into our pathway, we will expand our dermatology capacity by discharging patients with benign lesions without the need for an appointment and freeing up clinical time to see patients who really need us.”

To learn more about the new pilot in Tameside and Glossop, please click here.

NHS England recently published its latest Cancer Programme progress update for Spring 2024, highlighting innovations and new technologies in areas of work across early diagnosis, treatment and personalised care, and performance.

Elsewhere, Cambridge University Hospitals NHS FT Consultant gastroenterologist, Dr Massimiliano di Pietro, has been awarded a funding grant of up to £365,000 to explore how artificial intelligence and video can help identify gastric cancer at an earlier stage.



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