Health Technologies

Finding paves way for new brain cancer treatment

  • August 5, 2024

A new pathway that is used by cancer cells to infiltrate the brain has been discovered by a team of Canadian and American research groups. The research, led by the Singh Lab at McMaster University, has also revealed a new therapy that shows promise in blocking and killing these tumours. The findings could lead to […]

The real story behind EV charger-reported uptime vs. actual uptime

  • August 5, 2024

Photo: ChargerHelp A new study did a deep dive into EV charger-reported uptime vs. actual uptime, how charger reliability varies, and how to improve it – here’s what was found. EV charger-reported uptime vs. actual uptime Los Angeles-based EV supply equipment (EVSE) O&M service provider ChargerHelp examined what’s causing reliability issues for EV public charging […]

Health Technologies

AI Act, legal framework for Europe designed to support “trustworthy AI”, enters into force – htn

  • August 5, 2024

The European Commission has announced that AI Act, a legal framework seeking to address the risks of AI in Europe by setting out clear requirements and obligations in support of “trustworthy AI”, has officially entered into force. Designed to address risks with AI systems that could lead to “undesirable outcomes”, the Act includes provisions to […]

Partnership helps reduce children’s time spent in hospital and achieves 40% admission reduction

  • August 5, 2024

The North West London CAMHS Provider Collaborative, in partnership with Real World Health, has announced improvements in child and young person service outcomes. This partnership, which began in 2022, has leveraged data-driven insights to significantly improve patient outcomes and service efficacy. Children and young people in North West London are now much less likely to […]

Health Technologies

Digital and Data Capability Framework for Scotland sets out competency aims across technology and data – htn

  • August 5, 2024

A new Digital and Data Capability Framework has been launched in Scotland with the aim of supporting digital skills and competencies across the entire health and social care workforce. Six key areas of focus are identified: using technology; innovation and service improvement; identity, safety and wellbeing; communication; handling information and data; and learning and development. […]

Health Technologies

Poll: What do you think should be the biggest priority for digital primary care? – htn

  • August 5, 2024

In a recent LinkedIn poll, we asked our readers what they thought should be the biggest priority for digital primary care, with options including funding to support innovation, interoperability, patient-facing digital tools, and back office efficiencies. Attracting a total of 89 votes, the most popular choice was interoperability, with 42 percent of the vote. Those […]

Health Technologies

West Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust shares £300k opportunity for remote patient monitoring system – htn

  • August 5, 2024

West Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust has shared an opportunity to procure remote patient monitoring services and hardware  worth an estimated £300,000, set to run for three years. Following the end of the existing remote monitoring contract, the trust seeks to establish a new contract to support the clinical effectiveness and operational impact of its virtual […]

How digital platforms and apps are transforming obesity treatment and management

  • August 5, 2024

Obesity is a global health crisis, with rates rising at an alarming rate, in the UK over half the population is now overweight or obese. This epidemic is caused by a combination of factors, including our modern obesogenic environment, easy access to ultra-processed foods, people living more sedentary lifestyles, and socioeconomic pressures meaning many cannot […]