Health Technologies

State-of-the-art smart masks can monitor breath for signs of poor health

  • September 2, 2024

A new study has demonstrated how state-of-the-art smart masks can be used to assess metabolic and respiratory conditions. Personalised wearable devices that monitor people’s health are on the rise. From watches to patches and other types of sensors, these smart devices can monitor heart activity, inflammation levels, and more to help patients better manage their […]

Health Technologies

Marine sponge microbe provides insights into the evolution of tuberculosis

  • September 2, 2024

The surprising discovery of a bacterium in a marine sponge from the Great Barrier Reef with striking similarity to Mycobacterium tuberculosis, the pathogen responsible for tuberculosis (TB), could unlock and inform future TB research and treatment strategies. TB remains one of the world’s deadliest infectious diseases, yet the origins of M. tuberculosis are still not […]

Health Technologies

Targeting TKI-resistant cancer with exosomes

  • September 2, 2024

In a new study, researchers have demonstrated the use of exosomes to successfully target squamous cell cancer tumours that are usually resistant to epidermal growth factor receptor-tyrosine kinase inhibitors (EGFR-TKIs). The research is the first where exosomes have been applied to target TKI-resistant cancers in Singapore. Epidermal growth factor receptor, also known as EGFR, is […]

Mirrors in leisure centres across the UK to reflect important NHS cancer reminder

  • September 2, 2024

NHS messages prompting gym-goers to look out for potential signs of cancer will appear in the changing rooms of hundreds of Better leisure centres this summer. Stickers reminding people to check themselves regularly are set to feature on mirrors in more than 240 leisure centres run by Better, the UK’s largest leisure charitable social enterprise. […]

Health Technologies

Wearable heart monitor increases diagnosis of irregular heart rhythm

  • September 2, 2024

Wearable, long-term continuous heart monitors helped identify 52 per cent more cases of atrial fibrillation compared to usual care, but that did not lead to a reduction in hospitalisations due to stroke, according to a new study. The findings provide inconclusive data about whether atrial fibrillation screening lowers stroke rates. The Covid pandemic led to […]

Health Technologies

Smarter Healthcare: how AI elevates patient care and workforce wellbeing – Digital Health Technology News

  • September 2, 2024

After years of being used as a marketing buzzword, the world is finally starting to see what real artificial intelligence (AI) is capable of – and there aren’t many sectors that boast more potential than healthcare. Deloitte has found that AI in the medical sector has the potential to save a mind-bending $360bn over the […]

Health Technologies

Barts Health NHS Trust to procure site-wide patient monitoring system – htn

  • September 2, 2024

Barts Health NHS Trust has published a prior information notice highlighting plans to procure a site-wide, real-time system for the monitoring of vital signs at St Bartholomew’s Hospital in London. With a trust-wide solution for intermittent vital signs monitoring already in place, Barts Health will seek a solution offering “comprehensive multi-parameter monitoring” which should include […]

Health Technologies

Potential antibiotics found in microbes in the Arctic Sea

  • September 2, 2024

New research has discovered potential antibiotic candidates deep in the Arctic Sea, demonstrating that prospecting novel habitats  can yield novel antivirulence drugs that are less likely to select for resistance. Antibiotics are the linchpin of modern medicine: without them, anyone with open wounds or needing to undergo surgery would be at constant risk of dangerous […]

Health Technologies

Top doctor urges people not to ignore signs of sepsis ahead of Sepsis Awareness Month – Digital Health Technology News

  • September 2, 2024

As Sepsis Awareness Month approaches this September, a leading intensive care consultant is urging people to take immediate action if they suspect sepsis, even if they have previously been sent home by medical professionals. Dr Andrew Conway Morris, Medical Director for charity Sepsis Research FEAT and a renowned researcher and intensive care physician, stresses the importance of patients self-advocating […]