Health Technologies

EMIS contextual launch begins through interweave – Digital Health Technology News

Through a collaboration between EMIS, Interweave and  the Humber and North Yorkshire Shared Care Record delivery team, additional functionality has been introduced to their partners by adding EMIS contextual launch capability.

The first GP practice has now gone live with EMIS contextual launch functionality allowing better access to regional Shared Care Records. On the 30 July 2024, Bridge Street Practice in North Lincolnshire added this functionality for their clinicians to access the Shared Care Record at the click of a button.

Prior to this staff would require a separate login to access the Shared Care Record, now this access can be integrated into EMIS through the toolbar. Therefore, removing the need to use an external logon portal via the internet and the requirement of an additional username and password.

There are around 20 practices currently using EMIS in Humber and North Yorkshire who access Shared Care Records. Work has begun to roll out the context launch to each of them going forward, with the next practice going live set to be Whitby Group Practice.

Dr A Mahroof, from Bridge Street practice said, “As a practice that refers to a wide range of hospitals in Yorkshire and Humber from Leeds, down to Sheffield and across to Hull. Having access to a function that with a single click on EMIS, I can see the information held at the hospitals without having to sign into multiple different systems has been such a blessing, can’t believe why no-one has done this sooner.”

For those on the roadmap to go live, sessions are provided by delivery teams to support the configuration of the toolbar.

By making access routes to regional Shared Care Records as streamlined as ever, we are seeing more practice engagement and usage due to new functionalities such as EPR context launching. Patient care continually remains the priority and by streamlining clinicians access to patient data the knock-on effect is that clinicians have more time to spend with their patients delivering the care they need whilst patients do not need to repeat their story across their care encounters.



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