Health Technologies

3 Essential Tips for Document Scanning in Healthcare

Over the past few decades, healthcare organizations have been moving toward digitized workflows. In this transition, many organizations are swamped with paper from years of record keeping. While digital scanning solutions are becoming more readily available, paper isn’t going away, says Haol Yao, product manager at Epson America.

“The fact is that paper is still much easier and more familiar for a lot of people to use, and it’s going to continue to be a part of healthcare processes for a long time — and that’s the problem,” Yao says. “That’s why digital solutions to help manage all the paper and all the information in an efficient and reliable way are really important.”

Epson scanners are the entry point for getting all those documents digitized and into management systems to help organize and store information, Yao says.

“Healthcare is very information- and data-intensive. When an organization first signs up a new patient, they gather and keep a lot of information about them. From that moment on, the information on that patient must continue to be collected and stored. It grows and grows every year,” he adds.

Here are three tips healthcare IT leaders should keep in mind when considering scanner options:

DISCOVER: How Epson products and solutions can support your healthcare institution.

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