Health Technologies

“Innovators need more information and clarity on CQC’s regulatory approach to innovative practice” CQC report notes – htn

A report from the Care Quality Commission (CQC) has focused on ‘capturing innovation to accelerate improvement’, setting out CQC’s learnings regarding potential barriers to innovation, how they can be mitigated and current opportunities, along with resources in the forms of guidance and case studies.

The project saw CQC engage in roundtable discussions with stakeholders and identify case studies with the aim of generating conversation about the role of an innovation-enabling regulator. In addition, CQC developed and piloted a “suite of innovation learning products and activities” to generate further learnings and feedback.

For the purposes of the project, CQC collected resources designed to help services innovative and improve, including guidance on mapping the stages through an innovation and four case studies illustrating innovation in practice. The case studies cover the use of a tool to help non-clinical staff take observations such as temperature and pulse; a tool to support staff and commissioners in planning support by mapping and tracking person-centred support; a post-falls assessment app and emergency lifting chair; and a digital pain assessment tool. The resources can be found here.

Looking at the project itself, CQC’s report shares six key findings overall:

  • Effective innovation relies on an improvement culture
  • Innovators need more information and clarity on CQC’s regulatory approach to innovative practice
  • Effective innovation support requires CQC to develop their approach to using their impact mechanisms
  • People matter most
  • Innovators are unsure where to find information about innovation requirements and support
  • There are “unique opportunities” to improve CQC’s impact on innovation through their new assessment powers for local authorities and integrated care systems, with these heightened powers “viewed positively” by participants in the discussion.

In other news from the CQC, the organisation has released guidance on best practice for digital record systems, focusing on the role of “good quality records” in providing “safe, effective, compassionate, high-quality care”, and sharing four principles for providers around keeping systems person-centred with emphasis on availability, security, and governance.

To read about the CQCs project in full, please click here.



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