Health Technologies

Wales awards £1.4m primary care workforce intelligence system contract – htn

NHS Wales Shared Services Partnership has awarded a contract to procure a primary care workforce intelligence system, worth an estimated £1,144,760.

The programme aims to form a single integrated solution to manage primary and community care workforce information, the medical performers list, ophthalmic performers list, dental performers list and all Wales pharmacy database and declarations of interest.

Currently, a number of legacy systems are used for the identification of registered professions and all multi-disciplinary roles employed or working in the primary and community care sector. NHS Wales Shared Services Partnership seeks to introduce a platform “driven by user self-service with integration of processes between applicants, performers, and health professionals in medical, dental, ophthalmic and community pharmacy practices, the NHS Wales Shared Services Partnership and Health Boards”.

Some of the requirements include to integrate data with other dependent services within NHS Wales Shared Service Partnership, Welsh Government and other external bodies; to meet the provisions of the relevant legislation; manage the process of on-boarding and accrediting primary care performers and contractors; to meet open architecture standards in order to interface with solutions that depend on primary and community care information; and to drive paperless or paper-light processes.

The solution will cover Aneurin Bevan University Health Board, Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board, Cwm Taf Morgannwg University Health Board, Cardiff & Vale University Health Board, Hywel Dda University Health Board, Powys Teaching Health Board, and Swansea Bay University Health Board.

The contact was awarded via Softcat Plc, you can view the notice here.

In August, HTN covered the news that live testing of a new electronic prescription service is about to begin in Wales, which will see prescriptions sent electronically from a GP practice to a patient’s pharmacy of choice, negating the need for paper forms.

We covered the newly published digital and data strategy for health and social care in Wales which focuses on partnerships, new platforms and digital skills.

Elsewhere in Wales, a new digital platform from Public Health Wales has launched to provide data and tools for tackling health inequalities and a national digital systems usability survey has launched.



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