Health Technologies

What are your top tips for digital transformation? – htn

For our latest Health Tech Trends feature, as part of a series supported by InterSystems, we want to hear from NHS professionals.

What advice would you give around approaching digital transformation, and if there was one tip you could give to someone thinking of a digital health career in the NHS, what would that be?

Fill in the form below by Tuesday 31 October for the chance to be included in an upcoming feature, which will share a range of viewpoints and tips from our respondents. Thank you!

You can also check out some of our most recent Health Tech Trends content, where we explore views from across the industry – we recently asked ICS representatives for their thoughts on the digital priorities for their integrated care systems.

In September, we reached out to industry experts to hear their views and learnings on EPR implementation, as well as how to add value to an EPR. On the subject of EPRs, we’ve previously asked health professionals for their takes on whether there is anything that is usually or often missed out from an EPR business case; click here to have a read.

Earlier in the year, we asked NHS digital leaders for their thoughts on patient portals, particularly around the main impacts of portals and hopes for the future.

We also regularly post polls exploring digital health topics over on LinkedIn and share the results here on HTN – from which digital areas would benefit the most from additional funding to what organisations need to improve patient flow, you can find a range of viewpoints from our health tech audience here.



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