Health Technologies

TheHill launches NHS Market Access Accelerator recruitment for 2024 programme

TheHill has launched the application period for companies to join their NHS Market Access Accelerator Programme in 2024.

The flagship programme, which will run from May to November 2024, enables companies to improve their market prospects and develop their business models, raise money through grants and investments and increase their networks within the health and care sector.

The programme is run through a mixture of online and in-person sessions, covering an array of topics including a deep dive into NHS structures, quality management systems and regulatory compliance, developing your MVP to fit the NHS and understanding NHS procurement.

This year, TheHill asked clinicians at Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust what the most important needs they feel are, which could be resolved through that of digital innovation.

These needs include urgent care and patient flow optimisation, medicines management, remote care and diagnostic care.

However, any company wishing to grow their innovation and transform the NHS are invited to apply to the programme.

Rowan Mould, TheHill’s Accelerator Manager, commented: “We’re excited to be opening applications for our next Market Access Accelerator cohort.

“We’ve seen inspired innovation coming through this year that promises to address some of the most critical areas affecting the NHS.

“The Market Access Accelerator is a fantastic launchpad for start-ups looking to the NHS as their primary market, offering founders the necessary insight and support to successfully commercialise breakthrough innovations in healthcare.

“We’ve brought together expert insight, world-class mentors, and a deep understanding of the NHS to complement our strong clinical engagement pathway to offer founders a well-rounded package of support.

“This an opportunity to get your foot in the door through a programme that continues to deliver results year on year, backed by our incredible team at TheHill.”

Goggleminds graduated from the programme in 2022.

The company provides healthcare professionals and students with access to on-demand simulation training for developing clinical skills,.

Goggleminds CEO and Founder, Azize Naji, said: “I know that our mission demands best-in-class support and a deep understanding of our target market.

“This is exactly why partnering with TheHill at Oxford University Hospitals has been a game-changing decision for us. Navigating the intricacies of the NHS is second nature to them, a quality that has proven invaluable in scaling the company.

“What sets TheHill apart is their genuine commitment to our success.

“At every juncture, we’ve felt that they are truly rooting for us”.

Applications to join the 2024 programme are now open and close on January 2.

Click here to apply:

If you would like to find out more about the MAA programme, click here:



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