Wheel-E Podcast: Guest Luke Workman, Eurobike 2023, FUELL Flluid-2, more

  • July 1, 2023

This week on Electrek’s Wheel-E podcast, we discuss the most popular news stories from the world of electric bikes and other nontraditional electric vehicles. This time that includes special guest Luke Workman, battery guru and Zero’s former battery expert on ebike battery evolution and fire issues, FUELL’s new Flluid-2 and Flluid-3 e-bike testing, ChatGPT in an e-bike, […]

This awesome Chinese golf cart looks more like a mini-electric jeep

  • July 1, 2023

My regular readers will know that I’ve got quite a thing for golf carts. They’ll also know that I write a regular weekly column finding the coolest (and sometimes weirdest) electric vehicles in the massive online shopping catalog that is Alibaba. So when those things collide, well that’s what we call serendipity, folks! And that’s […]